
Mediterranean Foods

Mediterranean Foods

A cuisine known for its salads, appetizers, delicious dishes and olive oil dishes, a list of Mediterranean dishes! In the list, very light recipes such as Mediterranean salad and regional recipes of the cities of the Mediterranean region are presented together.

Saying that Mediterranean cuisine cannot be done without appetizers, the recipes of hibeş, babagannuş and tahini piyaz were added to the list. These appetizers and salads, which will suit the tables you set with Mediterranean recipes, are not to be missed. In addition, sweets and pastries from Mediterranean cities, such as kaytaz pastry, cookies, stone kadayıfı, will add color to your recipe books!

There is almost no palate that does not find the appetizing side of Mediterranean dish that smells like olive oil. Then, from this list where you will add new recipes to your tables, you should not miss many recipes and bring them to your own table.

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