How Biden’s New Immigration Policy Works
The new policy will give some 500,000 people a pathway to citizenship.
Heavy Rains Lash Southern China, Killing at Least 9
Rains set off landslides and inundated villages in the south, forcing thousands to evacuate. In the north, residents sweltered through…
Maryland Governor Erases 175,000 Marijuana Convictions
The state legalized the use of recreational marijuana in 2022. Several other states and the federal government have also wiped…
Surgeon General: For Our Kids’ Safety, Social Media Platforms Need a Health Warning
One of the most important lessons I learned in medical school was that in an emergency, you don’t have the…
Want to Meet Someone in Real Life? We Know Just the Place.
In 2012, Tinder introduced its swipe feature. Other apps followed suit, making the feature ubiquitous, and matchmaking was never the…
Number of Homeless People Living on New York City Streets Hits a Record
An annual count by the city found more than 4,100 people sleeping on streets and in subways. It was the…
Living Out Loud, Headphones Nowhere to Be Found
Welcome to their conversation. (Or YouTube video. Or baseball game.) For people bothered by the liberal use of speakerphones, the…
She Moved Her Family to a Black Utopia. Then Things Got Weird.
In Nicola Yoon’s first novel for adults, “One of Our Kind,” a woman finds that a lush California suburb is…
The Great Interest Rate Debate
Peter Coy: Hi, Paul. The Fed meets Tuesday and Wednesday to talk about interest rates, which many voters are really…
Prison Time Is the Real Factor in the Trump Verdict’s Impact on 2024
People are not always great at predicting their own behavior. We know what we think and feel in the moment,…