JLPT Kanji – JLPT Study & Kanji Quiz, Memorize Japanese Language Vocabulary

JLPT Kanji – JLPT Study & Kanji Quiz, Memorize Japanese Language Vocabulary
New method in memorizing kanji!
Unlike other alphabets, Japanese kanji are stored in the right side of the brain, where images and symbols are processed. This means that the stronger the right lobe of your brain is, the more easily you can memorize Japanese kanji.
JLPT Kanji application helps you develop your right brain, allowing you to learn kanji more easily and more fun than before.
All Kanji has Unique Illustration
With separate visuals assigned to each kanji, it will be much easier for you to memorize them and reinforce the kanji in the tests you take later.
You can create separate favorite lists for kanji and words, and reinforce them faster by taking different quizzes from these lists. You can also measure your level by creating a one-on-one online quiz with competitors from around the world.
JLPT Kanji application is an app that emerged as a result of long tests conducted in an academic study. Tests have shown that people who memorized kanji using the JLPT Kanji application were faster and more successful in answering questions than those who tried to type.
Some Features to Boost Your Brain to Memorize
⁃ Approximately 1500 Japanese kanji
⁃ Images assigned specifically to each kanji
⁃ Example words of each kanji with high daily usage rate
⁃ Pronunciations and translations of words and example sentences
⁃ Kunyomi and Onyomis
⁃ Advanced favorite system designed separately for kanji and words
⁃ Quiz opportunity with the favorite lists you create
⁃ Quizzes separated by JLPT Kanji level
⁃ One-on-one live competitions around the world
⁃ View worldwide rankings
⁃ Learning kanji is more fun with our gamified interface
⁃ Easy to use and exciting sounds
⁃ Many other features that will motivate you study kanji