Should Biden Heed Calls to Drop Out?

To the Editor:
Re “To Serve His Country, President Biden Should Leave the Race” (editorial, June 30):
Joe Biden is an extraordinary person, with a track record of service to this country he loves so much to prove it. Being its president has clearly been the pinnacle of that service.
But it is time for Mr. Biden to have a heart-to-heart with his ego and recognize that the same altruism and passion that brought him to the White House must now guide him to the sidelines of this election. The stakes are too high, and his candidacy is too risky.
To stay is to repeat the tragic miscalculation of another soldier for the good, Ruth Bader Ginsburg.
Don’t lose your faith now, Joe. Do the right thing for democracy.
Alison Daley Stevenson
Waldoboro, Maine
To the Editor:
To paraphrase the great Mark Twain, your report of President Biden’s cognitive demise is greatly exaggerated. Not to mention premature.
The president is probably one of the worst extemporaneous public speakers to hold his office. Age has made his lack of skill in this area worse, but that does not mean it has impaired his intellectual capacity.