Kurt Gottfried, Physicist and Foe of Nuclear Weapons, Dies at 93

Kurt Gottfried, a theoretical physicist who barely escaped the brutal reality of one world war and devoted his career to preventing another, died on Aug. 25 in Ithaca, N.Y. He was 93.
His death, in a nursing home where he and his wife had been living for the last 10 years, was confirmed by his son, David.
Dr. Gottfried, who fled the Nazis when he was 9, became an outspoken opponent of nuclear weaponry, a champion of scientists in the Soviet Union and South America who were political dissidents, and a fierce critic of the George W. Bush administration’s environmental policy, which he said was grounded in research skewed to comport with the White House’s political agenda.
In 1969, Dr. Gottfried founded the Union of Concerned Scientists with the physicist Henry Way Kendall, his former roommate at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and a future Nobel laureate. A nonpartisan organization, it lobbies to shift the nation’s research priorities from military technology to “the solution of pressing environmental and social problems.”
Dr. Gottfried said at the time that the world was undergoing a transformative revolution driven by “the relentless exploitation of scientific knowledge.”
“That many of these transformations have been immeasurably beneficial goes without saying,” he said. “But, as with all revolutions, the technological revolution has released destructive forces and our society has failed to cope with them.”
In 1999, 30 years after he helped to found the organization, Dr. Gottfried became its chairman. He served in that position until 2009.
In 2017, he told MIT Technology Review that his role in creating the organization “wasmuch more important than any of the science I’ve done.”
He rallied fellow scientists in the early 1980s to help derail the Reagan administration’s proposed Strategic Defense Initiative, the ambitious missile defense system that became mocked as a “Star Wars” shield.
They argued that the initiative would be technologically futile, and that pursuit of space-based weapons amounted to an abandonment of the policy of mutually assured destruction, which until then had prevented nuclear conflict.
In an opinion essay in The New York Times, Dr. Gottfried and Hans Bethe, a fellow professor at Cornell University in Ithaca, where he taught for 35 years, warned that the development of antisatellite weapons “comesclose to a declaration of war on the Soviet Union.”
In 1983, he and a group of scientists, retired military officers and United States senators pressed Washington to open negotiations with the Soviet Union on a treaty that would go well beyond the vaguely worded 1967 agreement to ban the testing and use of weapons, nuclear and conventional, in space.
His concern about nuclear power run amok was driven, in part, by his association with some of the very scientists who had devised atomic bombs during and after World War II, and who subsequently became alarmed at the weapons’ destructive potential.
Among them were Victor Weisskopf, Dr. Gottfried’s thesis adviser at M.I.T.; Niels Bohr, with whom Dr. Gottfried studied in Copenhagen in 1959; and Professor Bethe.
He also joined hundreds of American scientists who pledged to curtail cooperative ventures with the Soviet Union in protest of its imprisonment of dissidents.
Public and political pressure contributed to the release in 1986 of the Soviet physicist Yuri Orlov, who had been jailed for a decade after forming the Moscow Helsinki Watch Group to monitor the Soviet government’s compliance with the human rights provisions of the 1975 Helsinki Accords. After his release, Professor Orlov joined the physics faculty at Cornell.
Dr. Gottfried also helped free and recruit the physicist Elena Sevilla, who had been imprisoned in Argentina because of the political activities of her husband, a newspaper reporter. Upon her release in 1978, she came to Cornell to complete her graduate studies.
In 2004, complaining that the Bush administration was distorting scientific knowledge, particularly about climate change, Dr. Gottfried encouraged the Union of Concerned Scientists to form a program for scientific integrity, which successfully pressured the federal government to strengthen guidelines for research.
Kurt Gottfried was born on May 17, 1929, in Vienna. His father, Solomon, was a chemist but was barred by antisemitic laws from teaching or conducting research; instead, he ran a factory that made ski equipment, bicycles and ice skates.
His mother, Augusta, who like his father had a doctorate in chemistry, passed for Aryan and was able to arrange to flee with the family in 1938, when Kurt was 9, after their home was invaded on Kristallnacht.
They traveled through Germany to Belgium. Kurt attended school there for six months while the family awaited documents to immigrate to Montreal, where they resumed their manufacturing business.
Kurt studied engineering at McGill University in Montreal and might have joined his father’s business had one of his professors, John David Jackson, not identified his potential and lured him into pursuing physics instead. After graduating from McGill, he earned a doctorate in theoretical physics in 1955 from M.I.T., where his thesis adviser was Professor Weisskopf.
In 1964 Dr. Gottfried was hired as an associate professor at Cornell, where he was considered a mentor to a generation of prominent scientists and government officials. He became a professor emeritus in 1998.
He also served on the senior staff of the European Center for Nuclear Research in Geneva.
“Kurt Gottfried’s important legacies included his students and the colleagues he inspired,” said Richard L. Garwin, a fellow physicist and fellow critic of the Strategic Defense Initiative. “Also, an important legacy is the 1988 book that Kurt co-edited with Bruce Blair of Yale, ‘Crisis, Stability and Nuclear War.’”
Dr. Gottfried also helped edit “The Fallacy of Star Wars” (1984) and “Reforging European Security: From Confrontation to Cooperation” (1990). In 1966 he published a highly regarded textbook, “Quantum Mechanics: Fundamentals.”
In 1955, Dr. Gottfried married Sorel Dickstein, who became his unofficial editor and adviser. She died in 2021. In addition to his son, he is survived by a daughter, Laura Gottfried; a sister, Ilse Matalon; and four grandchildren.