A Universe of Inspirations Swirls Within ‘Janet Planet’

Annie Baker has amassed multiple awards for her idiosyncratic and deeply observed plays, including the Pulitzer Prize for her 2013 drama “The Flick.” Baker has always loved the movies — “The Flick,” about three young workers sweeping up popcorn and discussing movies in a broken-down central Massachusetts theater, is something of an ode to the cinema — but has never directed a film before now.
“Janet Planet” (in theaters) tells the story of the relationship between Janet (Julianne Nicholson), a single mother and acupuncturist, and Lacy (the newcomer Zoe Ziegler), her 11-year-old daughter, who is slowly coming to the realization that her mom, once the radiant center of her life, is maybe human after all. “I do think I was writing about a marriage of sorts between a mother and a daughter,” she said.
In a video call from a friend’s place in Brooklyn, Baker talked about the films, artists and music that inspired her cinematic debut, from the French painter Édouard Vuillard’s portraits of his seamstress mother (“he’s my favorite painter of the color brown”) to the novels of Thomas Mann.
Édouard Vuillard
During production, Baker found herself returning to Vuillard’s portraits of his mother, with whom he lived for much of his life until her death in 1928. “There’s this tender, ambivalent relationship to the woman in a lot of the paintings,” Baker said. “You see the back of her head, her face is half obscured, or her hands are oddly askew.”
In the film, we see things from a similar point of view: Lacy inside a car talking to the back of Janet’s head, or staring at her mother’s profile while lying alongside her in bed. “That’s a big part of ‘Janet Planet’: looking at your mother, and observing what she looks like to you in different contexts and in different phases of life,” she said.