19 Nonfiction Books to Read This Summer

The Friday Afternoon Club, by Griffin Dunne
Judy Garland, Sean Connery, Carrie Fisher: Celebrities abound in the actor’s new memoir. Dunne’s book is engaging as much for his fame-adjacent vignettes as for his frank exploration of his famous family’s complicated history — most notably that of his sister, Dominique Dunne, a rising star in Hollywood whose career was cut short when she was killed by her ex-boyfriend. His account of her death and the subsequent infamous trial is an illuminating perspective.
Penguin Press, June 11
Roctogenarians, by Mo Rocca and Jonathan Greenberg
Worried that you’re past your prime? Fret not. Rocca and Greenberg make the case that our most remarkable years come later in life. The authors weave their argument from stories about the artist Henri Matisse, the actor Morgan Freeman and even Mr. Pickles, a tortoise who became a first-time father at 90 years old.
Simon & Schuster, June 11
Apprentice in Wonderland, by Ramin Setoodeh
Setoodeh, a co-editor in chief of Variety, draws on hours of interviews with several former contestants of “The Apprentice,” Trump’s son Eric and Trump himself, among others, to examine the long-running reality show that preceded Trump’s tenure at the White House.
Harper, June 18